Tuesday, October 14, 2008

First Post

I have forever been the type of independent spirit that believes with everything that is in me, that we (mankind) was never meant to live a structured life where everything was prepared in advance. "What the hay are you talking about" you might ask? Simply put.....life was never complicated until humans became dependant upon a system of supply and demand. For one thing, the supply is never steady.... as we have found out recently with the fiasco known as the petroleum market with it's greed and influence over our lives. This one little resource (as abundant as it may be) has put a strangle hold on your life as well as mine. When the petro market gets the hiccups, lives and the well being of every individual is affected in a negative way. The price of raw crude goes up, so goes the price of everything else that touches our lives.....from food (a necessity) to clothing (a necessity) to lost jobs and income (a necessity). We can cut back on the things that are not necessities in order to be able to afford the things that are a necessity. I digress.

We can also be better stewards of the things we are trusted with here on planet EARTH. We can be smarter people, we can be better people, we can re-learn the things that our pioneer forefathers knew as a way of life.

Hence this blog, which I hope will become something meaningful to you and me. Conceived from a desire to help others be more knowledgeable in the things that touch us all. I am not an expert in anything, nore do I assume to be. I am simply a pioneer at heart and in my own mind. I wish this blog and any of it's children to be a positive and informative spot on the web where local, regional and global ideas can be shared and put into practice......ideas and knowledge that can make us better people, stewards and pioneers.

This is a "garden blog". Never intended to be a place where one can rant about what government is doing or not doing. Mainly geared towards resource sharing, idea sharing and even food sharing.

You will learn more about me as this blog grows (I hope it grows). I have (in spits and spurts) grown my own food since I was 20 years old. Now in my 40's, I have re-discovered how rewarding it can be. Come along with me as I seek to "grow" this web space into something good for us all.